This is a repost of an article I was asked to contribute to Greg’s old website. It is reposted in its entirety here. Please note that SEO has changed since the time of this article (late 2013), so contact me for more up to date strategies. Nonetheless there are some helpful tips here which […]
Continue reading...Repost – How To Use Youtube For Local Business Marketing
This is a repost from Greg’s old Search Simplicity website which no longer is active. —————————————————————————————————————– Local B2B Search Engine Optimization Using YouTube If you are looking to get exposure for B2B (business to business) phrases in the search engines, then you may find that using YouTube is a great way to get started. This […]
Continue reading...Repost – Local SEO And Lessons From The Stock Trading World
Greg used to run Search Simplicity, a website dedicated to SEO and other online marketing topics. This is a repost from a guest post he added to his site back in the early Fall of 2014. Stock Trading Lessons Applied To Local SEO Search Phrases The author’s views below are entirely his or her […]
Continue reading...Case Study – Restaurant Grand Opening Marketing Online
In future blog posts I may add some case studies to determine what has or hasn’t worked when using online marketing to help generate new business. A recent project is worth a short case study due to the fact that it simultaneously both worked and did not work as well as expected. OVERVIEW: A fast-casual […]
Continue reading...Making The Phone Ring Part 1 – Local SEO

If you are a local business owner then you know that the bigger picture is that all online marketing actions (SEO, social media, pay-per-click, etc.) should focus on a few things: Getting new first time customers/clients Enhancing profitability for the business Expansion of awareness/exposure if your “brand” is an issue Although this always is taught […]
Continue reading...Press Release SEO Benefits – Are There Any Still To Be Had?
A recent conversation came up in the online marketing community about the effectiveness and benefits of press releases for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes. With so much “clutter”, and with any small business able to purchase low-cost distribution of its “news”, many SEO gurus have written off using online press release distribution as a valid […]
Continue reading...Stock Trading Lessons For The Selection Of Local Keyword Phrases
Greg, from Search Simplicity, recently asked me to contribute a guest post about helping select solid keywords for local search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Often, people only target two or three keywords. By borrowing from the short-term stock trading principle of “multiple time frame analysis”, one can become much more artful in choosing keyword phrases […]
Continue reading...The Merits Of Internet Marketing For Local Live Events
I want to thank Greg Smith for the opportunity to contribute a post to his website this week. He was kind enough to let me share some suggestions and thoughts about the merits of incorporating internet marketing for local events, either free to attend or requiring paid ticket admission. Here is the link to the […]
Continue reading...Making The Phone Ring With Online Marketing
One of the biggest challenges of helping clients with their online marketing efforts is to quantify an increase in business. There are several ways to track different online metrics, but the biggest question is: “Is my phone ringing with new customers (clients)?” Equivalent questions could be: “Am I getting more e-mail opt-ins?” “Am I getting […]
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